Here is a recent article from Kathy Bornheimer:
Solutions to problems need to be the topic of conversations; not the problems. Career and job issues will continue to occur and it’s up to an informed workforce to develop solutions that are transferable to achieve employment stability. “Re-inventing the wheel” and having to apply singular solutions is not effective, multiple applications are. Here are some suggestions to help maintain your employability and sanity.
We are in a global economy that’s here to stay; deal with it! Employers are adapting (again) in how to use the U.S. workforce due to “re-shoring” of jobs. Your end goal is to secure satisfying employment, not just find a job. Finding an interim job is acceptable, but keep pursuing your goal. A second mindset is “what technology giveth; technology taketh away”. Many professionals are learning to take it back.
Read Kathy Bornheimer's full article: Be on the Right Side of the Global Economy